Islam has given the same rights and rewards to men and women. Women have been given the right to worship Allah Most High and gain His favor and have also been instructed to do so.
All the spiritual stations that a man can gain by virtue of his worship and self mortification, a woman can also reach high spiritual stations through her own efforts and can gain a high station in paradise as well.
For human beings neither is this anxiety wrong nor are these questions. The Companions also asked the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) similar questions and in reply, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) described the mansions of paradise, its streams, its markets, fruits and many other details.
The Hadith mention details of the shade of a particular tree of paradise. It is mentioned in the Hadith:
Translation: There will be such a tree in paradise that even if a rider rides for 100 years, he cannot cover the whole shade. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 6552)
And advance fast towards forgiveness from your Lord and
It is again mentioned in Surah Nisa:
But anyone, whether man or woman, who does pious acts and is a believer, they are the ones who will enter