Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

200 Names Of Prophet SAW

# Name Translation Some Selected relevant verses from the Qur'an 1 Muhammad Most Praised One (3:144) (33:40) (47:2) 2 Ahmad Most Praiseworthy (61:6) 3 Hâmid One who praises Allâh 4 Mahmûd Praised by all, Laudable (17:79) 5 Ahyad Protector of believers from hell-fire [62:2] 6 Wahîd Unique [7:158] [21:107] [33:56] [53:8-9] 7 Mâhî Obliterator of disbelief [17:81] [48:28] 8 Hâshir Summoner, Gatherer on the Day of Judgement 'Âqib 9 'Âqib Successor of all the Prophets [33:40] 10 Tâhâ Tâhâ (20:1) 11 Yâsîn Yâsîn (36:1) 12 Tâhir Pure, Clean (74:4) 13 Mutahhar One purified by Allâh (74:4) 14 Tayyib Good, Pleasant [7:158] [49:7] 15 Sayyîd Master of all (3:164) (4:64-65) (4:136) 16 Rasûl The Messenger of Allâh (3:164) (4:64-65) (4:136) (9:24) (9:99) (33:21) (33:29) (33:33) (48:27-29) (58:22) (61:11) (62:2) 17 Nabiyy Prophet (7:157) (7:158) (8:64) (33:6) (33:7) (33:40) (33:45) (33:56) (33:59) (49:2) (60:12) (66:8) 18 Rasûl u'r rahmah The Messenger of mercy (9:61) (21:107) 19 Qayyim Right and True, Straight [6:161] 20 Jâmi' One who gathers in himself all perfections [33:21] 21 Muqtafî One who succeeds all the Prophets [3:81] 22 Muqaffâ One who is followed [33:40] 23 Rasûl u'l malâhim The Messenger of fierce battles against oppressive disbeliever [3:121] [3:123-124] [4:84] [4:102] [8:17] [8:39-40] [9:29] [22:39-40] [33:9] 24 Rasûl u'r râhah The Messenger of comfort/ peaceful repose [9:40] 25 Kâmil Perfect [21:107] [33:21] [68:4] [94:4] 26 Iklîl Crown 27 Muddaththir One Enveloped in a cloak/mantle (74:1) 28 Muzzammil One Wrapped up in a garment (73:1) 29 'Abdullâh Allâh's Ultimate Devotee (2:23) (8:41) (17:1) (18:1) (57:9) (72:19) 30 Habîbullâh The Beloved of Allâh [3:31] [8:33] [21:107] [33:36] [33:53] [90:1-2] 31 Safiyyullâh The Chosen One of Allâh (22:750) 32 Najiyyullâh One in whom Allâh confides spiritual secrets Al-Khabir 33 Kalîmullâh One who talks with Allâh 34 Khâtim u'l Anbiyâ' The Seal of the Prophets (33:40) 35 Khâtim u'r Rusul The Seal of the Messengers [33:40] [48:28] 36 Muhyî Vivifier of dead hearts with the light of faith [8:24] 37 Munjî Leader to salvation [62:2] 38 Mudhakkir One who reminds us of Allâh, Admonisher (88:21) 39 Nâsir Helper (8:72) 40 Mansûr Helped by Allâh, Victorious (3:123) (9:40) (48:3) (110:1) 41 Nabiyy u'r rahmah The Prophet of mercy (21:107) 42 Nabiyy u't tawbah The Prophet of repentance (110:3) 43 Harîsun 'alaykum Full of concern for you (9:128) 44 Ma'lûm Well-known (63:1) 45 Shahîr Celebrated, Famous [17:1] [21:107] [33:56] 46 Shâhid Beholder Beholder (33:45) (48:8) (73:15) 47 Shahîd Witness, Martyr (2:143) (4:41) (16:89) 48 Mashhûd Witnessed, The Attested One [63:1] 49 Bashîr Bearer of good news (2:119) (5:19) (11:2) 50 Mubashshir Conveyor of glad tidings (17:105) (19:97) (33:45) 51 Nadhîr Warner ((22:49) (25:1) (34:28) 52 Mundhir Warner Dissuader from sin (13:7) (26:192-194) (38:65) 53 Nûr Sacred light (5:15) 54 Sirâj The Sun of Prophethood (33:46) 55 Misbâh Luminous Lamp 56 Hudâ Right guidance 57 Mahdiyy Rightly guided (6:161) (22:67) (48:2) 58 Munîr Illuminator (33:46) 59 Dâ'î Inviter to Islâm (8:24) (12:108) (13:36) (16:125) (33:46) (42:15) (46:31) 60 Mad'uww One called by Allâh [73:1] [74:1-2] [96:1] 61 Mujîb Responsive 62 Mujâb One whose prayers/calls are answered (3:172) (46:31) 63 Hafiyy Welcoming, Hospitable, Well-informed (7:187) 64 'Afuww Pardoner (3:159) (5:15) (7:199) 65 Waliyy Friend of Allâh, Friend of believers (5:55-56) 66 Haqq Truth (2:119) (3:86) 67 Qawiyy Strong, Powerful (8:60) 68 Amîn Trustworthy [68:4] 69 Ma'mûn Trusted [68:4] 70 Karîm Generous, Noble (69:40) 71 Mukarram The ennobled one, Honoured, Venerable (69:40) 72 Makîn Firm, Unshakeable 73 Matîn Firm, Authoritative 74 Mubîn Clear, Evident (5:92) (15:89) (24:54) (38:70) (64:12) 75 Mu'ammil Hopeful [3:123-124] [9:40] 76 Wasûl Uniter 77 Dhû quwwah Possessor of power (8:60) 78 Dhû hurmah Possessor of sacredness 79 Dhû makânah Possessor of firmly established high position [53:3-4] [53:8-9] 80 Dhû 'izz Possessor of might/honour (63:8) 81 Dhû Fadl Possessor of Allâh's grace/ bounty (4:113) 82 Mutâ' One who is obeyed (3:132) (4:13) (4:59) (4:69) (9:71) (24:51-52) (24:56) (33:71) (48:17) (49:14) 83 Mutî' One obedient to Allâh [6:161-163][39:11-12][40:66] 84 Qadamu sidq One with a sincere footing 85 Rahmah Mercy, Compassion (9:61) (21:107) 86 Bushrâ Glad tidings 87 Ghawth Saviour, Succour [62:2] 88 Ghayth Rain of mercy, brings dead hearts to life 89 Ghiyâth Helper, Saviour [62:2] 90 Ni'matullâh Favour of Allâh [3:164] 91 Hadiyyatullâh The Gift of Allâh [3:164] [21:107] 92 'Urwatun wuthqâ The Firm Tie that binds man to Allâh [48:10] 93 Sirâtullâh The Path leading to Allâh 94 Sirâtun mustaqîm The Straight Path 95 Dhikrullâh Personification of the remembrance of Allâh 96 Sayfullâh The sword of Allâh [4:84] [8:65] 97 Hizbullâh Allâh's partisan (5:56) 98 An-Najm u'th-thâqib The Piercing Star 99 Mustafâ Divinely selected (22:75) 100 Mujtabâ The Chosen One (3:179) (42:13) 101 Muntaqâ Chosen for his purity [3:179] [22:75] [42:13] 102 Ummiyy Not taught by a human but directly by Allâh (7:157) (7:158) 103 Mukhtâr The Chosen One [3:179] [22:75] [42:13] 104 Ajîr One who selflessly labours for Allâh,rewarded by Allâh (6:90) (25: 57) (38:86) (42:23) (68:3) 105 Jabbâr Compeller 106 Abu'l Qâsim The father of Qâsim 107 Abu't Tâhir The father of the Pure ('Abdullâh) 108 Abu't Tayyib The father of the Pleasant ('Abdullâh) 109 Abû Ibrâhîm The father of Ibrâhîm 110 Mushaffa' The Accepted Intercessor (2:255) (19:87) (20:109) (43:86) 111 Shafiy' Intercessor (2:255) (19:87) (20:109) (43:86) 112 Sâlih Righteous, Virtuous, Pious, Devout (23:51) 113 Muslih Conciliator, Peacemaker, Upright (49:9) 114 Muhaymin Protector, Guardian 115 Sâdiq Truthful (33:22) 116 Musaddiq One proved true, Confirmer, Verifier (2:101) (3:81) (37:37) 117 Sidq Truthfulness, Sincerity (39:33) 118 Sayyid u'l Mursalîn Master of all the Messengers of Allâh [33:7] 119 Imâm u'l muttaqîn Leader of the pious who fear Allâh [24:52] [49:1-3] [57:28] [59:7] 120 Qâ'id u'l ghurr i'l muhajjalîn Leader of those with shining faces and limbs 121 Khalîl u'r Rahmân The Friend of The Merciful Allâh 122 Barr Righteous, Pious [33:21] [68:4] 123 Mabarr Essence of piety [33:21] [68:4] 124 Wajîh Honourable, Illustrious [33:7] [94:4] 125 Nasîh Sincere Advisor [7:157] [16:125] [62:2] 126 Nâsih True Counsellor [7:157] [16:125] [62:2] 127 Wakîl Faithful Trustee [9:103] 128 Mutawwakil One who puts all his trust in Allâh (8:61) (9:129) (27:79) (33:3) (42:10) 129 Kafîl Guarantor, Surety 130 Shafîq Compassionate, Kind 131 Muqîm u's Sunnah Establisher of the Sunnah [2:129] [2:151] [3:164] [62:2] 132 Muqaddas Sanctified one 133 Rûh u'l qudus Spirit of purity 134 Rûh u'l haqq Spirit of truth [3:86] 135 Rûh u'l qist Spirit of justice (5:42) 136 Kâfî One who suffices here and in the Hereafter [3:31] 137 Muktafî Contented (with little) 138 Bâligh One who has attained spiritual perfection [33:21] [68:4] 139 Muballigh The Deliverer of Allâh's Revelations (5:92) (24:54) (64:12) (72:23) 140 Shâfî Healer [9:103] 141 Wâsil The one who completed his journey to Allâh [17:1] [53:8-18] 142 Mawsûl One bound by Allâh 143 Sâbiq First and foremost [33:7] 144 Sâ'iq Leading/driving force, One who urges on [3:123-124] 145 Hâdî Guide (7:158) (24:54) (42:52) 146 Muhdî One who gives guidance (7:158) (24:54) (42:52) 147 Muqaddam First and foremost, in the forefront (49:1) 148 'Azîz Mighty, Honourable (9:128) 149 Fâdil Most Outstanding, Virtuous [33:21] [68:4] 150 Mufaddal The Favoured One of Allâh (4:113) 151 Fâtih Victorious, Opener of the doors of mercy (48:1) (110:1) 152 Miftâh The Key 153 Miftâh u'r rahmah The Key to Allâh's mercy 154 Miftâh u'l jannah The Key to paradise 155 'Alam u'l îmân Symbol of faith (2:285) 156 'Alam u'l yaqîn Symbol of certitude 157 Dalîl u'l khayrât Guide to good deeds [42:52] 158 Musahhih u'l hasanât Perfecter of good deeds [33:21] 159 Muqîl u'l 'atharât Helper of those who stumble 160 Safûhun aniz zallât Forgiver of offences (43:89) 161 Sahîb u'sh shafâ'ah One endowed with intercession (2:255) (19:87) (20:109) (43:86) 162 Sâhib u'l maqâm Possessor of the highest rank/position (17:79) 163 Sâhib u'l qadam One endued with precedence/lofty rank (49:1) 164 Makhsûs bi'l 'izz Distinguished with exclusively special might/honour (63:8) 165 Makhsûs bi'l majd Makhsûs bi'l majd [53:8-9] 166 Makhsûs bi'sh sharaf Distinguished with exclusively special nobility [33:6-7] 167 Sâhib u'l wasîlah Possessor of the means to Allâh's Mercy [3:159] [4:64] [9:103] [24:62] [60:12] 168 Sâhib u's sayf Owner of the sword against Allâh's enemies [3:121] [4:84] [8:65] 169 Sâhîb u'l Fadîlah Possessor of Allâh's Grace (4:113) 170 Sâhib u'l izâr Owner of the wrapper/ covering of prophethood 171 Sâhib u'l hujjah Possessor of the proof (4:163-165) 172 Sâhib u's sultân Owner of dominion/authority (4:91) 173 Sâhib u'r ridâ' Owner of the covering cloth 174 Sâhib u'd darajat i'r rafiy'ah One endowed with the exalted position/rank (2:253) 175 Sâhib u't tâj The Crowned One on the night of mi'râj 176 Sâhib u'l mighfar One who wears the helmet [3:121] [4:84] [8:65] 177 Sâhib u'l liwâ' Holder of the banner 178 Sâhib u'l mi'râj Master of heavenly ascension [53:8-18] 179 Sâhib u'l qadîb Holder of the rod/staff 180 Sâhib u'l Burâq The rider of the Burâq [17:1] 181 Sâhib u'l khâtam Possessor of the Seal of Prophethood (33:40) 182 Sâhib u'l 'alâmah Possessor of the Sign of Prophethood [5:83] [15:87] [17:88] [33:21] [33:40] [48:27] [52:34] [53:8-18] [54:1] 183 Sâhib u'l burhan One endowed with the clear proof (4:174/175) 184 Sâhib u'l bayân The Possessor of the Qur'ân (3:138) (16:89) 185 Fasîh u'l lisân Eloquent and effective of speech [4:63] [19:97] 186 Mutahhar u'l janân One with a purified heart who purifies hearts 187 Raûf Clement, Most Kind (9:128) 188 Rahîm Merciful (9:128) 189 Udhunu khayr Hearer of good (9:61) 190 ahîh u'l Islâm Establisher of the correct Message of Islâm [6:161-163] [39:11-12] [40:66] 191 Sayyid u'l kawnayn Master of this world and the Hereafter [21:107] 192 'Ayn u'n na'îm Source of Allâh's Blessings 193 'Ayn u'l ghurr Source of beauty/radiance 194 Sa'dullâh Joy of Allâh [3:31] [33:56] [94:4] 195 Sa'd u'l khalq Joy of all creation [21:107] 196 Khatîb u'l umam Preacher to all humanity [3:31] [4:170] [7:157] [7:158] [12:108] [16:125] [25:1] [34:28] 197 'Alam u'l hudâ The Sign of the guidance [7:158] [24:54] [42:52] 198 Kâshif u'l kurab Remover of hardships/distress [7:157] 199 Râfi 'u'r rutab Raiser of the ranks of believers [3:31] [48:10] [48:29] 200 'Izz u'l 'Arab Honour of the Arabs [12:2] [26:192-195] [41:3] [41:44] [42:7] [46:12] 201 Sâhib u'l faraj Source of bliss/comfort [9:103]