Hadhrat Khaja Muhammad Baqibillah (May Allah shower His mercy on him)
His father is Hadhrat Qazi 'Abdus Salaam. He was born in Kabul in 972 Hijri. From childhood itself, the signs of love of Allah were apparent in him. He studied the normative sciences under Hadhrat Muhammad Sadiq Halwai (May Allah shower His mercy on him). When the urge to step on the path of Tasawwuf was developed, he gave his allegiance of repentance to Shaykh Khaja ‘Ubaidullah (May Allah shower His mercy on him). When he didn’t gain steadfastness on the Tariqah, he again gave his allegiance to Shaykh Iftikharuddin (May Allah shower His mercy on him). When he was not satisfied here also and he was searching for a perfect guide, he dreamed that he was giving his allegiance to Hadhrat Khaja Bahauddin Naqshband. From that day, he was anxious to seek the blessings of a Shaykh of the Naqshbandi order.
He reached Kashmir and stayed in the service of Hadhrat Shaykh Bab Wali Kubrawi Naqshbandi (May Allah shower His mercy on him). Here, great reformation was taking place and absorption (Ghaibubiyat) was also starting to develop. In such a time, the said Shaykh passed away. He was very sad and very worried. Then he went to the service of Hadhrat Maulana Khwajgi Umkanagi (May Allah shower His mercy on him). Maulana Khwajgi Umkanagi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) took him aside and graced him with his attention for 3 days continuously. The will of Allah, the journey of Hadhrat Khaja Baqibillah was completed.
Once, Hadhrat Khwajgi Umkanagi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) told him: Son Baqibillah! You go to India. There the beauty of the Naqshbandi order will be revealed to you. As the Khaja was very humble, he tried to get himself excused from this. Hadhrat Khwajgi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) ordered him to perform Istekhara. The interpretation of the dream seen was that a dignitary with perfect capabilities (Hadhrat Mujaddid Alf Thaani (May Allah shower His mercy on him)) will remain in your company in India. Your accomplishments will be revealed through him. You will get a sweetness from him and he will get a sweetness from you.
As per the orders of his master, he started for India. First, he graced Lahore with his presence. Qila Feroziya is such a beautiful place where a river gladdens hearts with its swiftness and a huge mosque is also there. Allah’s saints always desire such places. Thus, the Khaja also liked this place and until his passing away, he stayed there.
In spite of being highly distinguished in yearning and ecstasy and spiritual states, in spite of having a high status in gnosis (Ma’arifah) and spiritual realities (Haqiqah), the Khaja was so humble that he would sit on bare ground and wouldn’t consider himself fit for the task of guiding others. Affection for the creation was his very nature. Once, a cat slept on his bed. Until dawn, the Khaja sat shivering with cold, but didn’t remove the cat from the bed. Preferring others over oneself was a part and parcel of his nature. There was no limit to his humility. If a disciple would make a mistake, he would say: This is our mistake which as a reflection is being revealed through him.
In worship and daily affairs, the Khaja would act on the most cautious ruling. For this reason, in his early days, in spite of following the Hanafi school of Fiqh, he would recite the Holy Quran behind the Imam as well. One night, he saw Imam Azam Abu Hanifa (May Allah shower His mercy on him) in a dream. He was saying: Many great saints were on the precepts my school. Understanding the intent of the Imam, the Khaja abandoned recitation of the Holy Quran behind the Imam from the next morning.
Once, he went to some place and offered 2 Raka’at of Salaat there. Then he said: The soil of this place will cling to our clothes. Then he saw a dream that Hadhrat Khaja ‘Ubaidullah Ahraar (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was putting a tunic on him. The next morning, he interpreted the dream saying that it is possible that I may be cured or it indicated the shroud.
He passed away due to that illness on Monday, 25th Jumadal Ukhra 1022 Hijri. His blessed grave is in Delhi near the place where the relics of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) are housed.
[Excerpted from Gulzar-e-Auliya of Hadhrat Muhaddith-e-Deccan]