I am web designer in a company. In this company, different kinds of websites are designed like websites of universities, commercial firms etc. Most of the companies from whom we get orders, their business is Haraam. These companies give publicity to their products in which indecent photos are also used. Can I do this job?
Helping a forbidden business in any way or becoming a means for doing so is forbidden as per the Shariah. Allah has forbidden from helping in sin. Allah Ta’ala says:
Help not one another unto sin and transgression, but keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is severe in punishment. Surah Maida (5:2)
You work in company which designs websites for Haraam businesses and they use the websites designed by your company for promoting their products. Your designing websites for them is in fact helping them in doing what is Haraam which is forbidden. Thus, your working in this company is not correct. You please search for a company whose work profile is completely Halal. If in this company itself, you design websites for Halal companies or of educational institutions and work in such a way that you have nothing to do with the sites of Haraam businesses, then this job is Halal for you. As given in Durre Mukhtar, Vol. 5, Pg. No. 38.
And Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) knows best.
Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Qadri
[Professor, Islamic Law, Jamia Nizamia,
Founder-Director, Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center]