Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Burning Topics

The Islamic way of arranging funerals

The Islamic way of arranging funerals


Whenever somebody passes away, then we should make haste (i.e. be quick) in the burial of the deceased and making haste in the burial means that the dead body should not be held up in the house.  As given in Maraaqil Falaah, Kitab Us Salaat, Pg. No. 566/565.


Translation:  When it becomes clear that a person has passed away, then as mark of respect for the deceased, the burial should be held quickly, because the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has said: Hasten the burial of a Muslim, because it is not proper that the dead body of a Muslim should be held up in the family.


To hasten the burial does not mean that people should not be informed.  It is Commendable (Mustahab) to inform the relatives and other people, as the number of people in the Funeral Salaat is directly related to the number of people informed.  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) informed the Companions about the passing away of KingNegus , as given in Maraaqil Falaah, Kitab Us Salaat, pg no.55.


Translation:  There is no problem in informing the people about the passing away of some one. On the other hand, to inform people with the intention that there should be more people in the Funeral Salaat is Commendable.  According to a Hadith of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) informed the Companions about the death of King Negus and also informed them about the martyrdom of Hadhrat Ja’afar bin Abi Talib, Hadhrat Zaid bin Haritha and Hadhrat ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha (May Allah be well pleased with all of them).


How to carry the bier


While carrying the bier, the head should be placed first and the legs behind.  Carrying the head first is impermissible.  As given in Fatawa A’alamgiri, Vol. 1, Pg. No. 162:


While walking, the head should be placed at the front and the legs at the back.  It is Commendable (Mustahab) for the people who are walking with it to walk behind it and walking in front of the bier is also permissible, but it is Undesirable (Makruh) if they go far away from the bier and the bier is left behind.


As given in Fatawa A’alamgiri, Vol. 1, Pg. No. 162.


For the person carrying the bier, it is Commendable (Mustahab) to first shoulder the right end of the head-side of the bier for 10 steps and then the feet-side of the right end for 10 steps and then the head and feet-end of the bier on the left side for 10 steps each.  Because, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Whoever carries the bier for 40 steps, that becomes the expiation (Kaffara) for 40 major sins.  As given in Durre Mukhtar, Vol. Pg. No. 657.


Going with bier on vehicle


The rights of a fellow Muslim upon another, as given by the Shariah, include that a Muslim should walk with the funeral of the deceased Muslim.  The Sunnah for those who walk along with the Janaza is that they should, one after the other, lift the dead body from each corner and walk 10 steps holding that corner as given in Fatawa A’alamgiri Vol. 1, Kitab Us Salaat Pg no. 162.


It has more excellence to walk along with the funeral. Using a mode of transport/vehicle is also allowed. But, using a mode of transport/vehicle to walk in front of the funeral is undesirable as this creates problems in carrying the funeral, as given in Radd Ul Muhtaar, Vol. 5, Pg No: 658 under “Makruhaat” i.e. undesirable acts of Salaat.


What is body becomes unclean after funeral-bath


One among the conditions for offering Funeral Salaat is that the body should be clean.  If the body is not bathed or an unclean shroud is used, then Funeral Salaat is not correct.  If the body is bathed, enshrouded and then something comes out of the body and the body/shroud become unclean, then there is no need to re-bathe the body or to change the shroud.  Even the shroud does not need to be cleaned.  This is because re-bathing the body, changing the shroud or cleaning it means needless strain and the Shariah has done away with this.  However, if the body becomes unclean before enshrouding it, then that part of the body should be washed as there is no unnecessary strain in it.  As given in Radd Ul Muhtaar, Vol. 1, Pg. No. 640.


Can husband give the funeral-bath to wife?


It is not allowed for a woman to give bath to a man nor is it allowed for a man to give bath to a woman.  Thus, it is not allowed for the husband to give The Funeral Bath to the wife, as with her death, she has passed out of the relation of marriage.  However, the wife can give the funeral bath to the husband, as long as there was no separation between them, as until the completion of the mandatory waiting period (Iddah), she is considered to be in the marriage of the (deceased) husband.


As given in Raddul Muhtaar, Vol. 1, Pg No. 634 and in Fatawa A'alamgiri, Vol. 1, Pg No. 160.


Using Zakaat money for burial purposes


The desire to serve the society is really appreciable.  Allah Most High will also be pleased by this and the society should also try to follow this.


As far as collecting Zakaat amount for burial purposes is concerned, it is necessary that the poor person to whom Zakaat is given should be made the complete owner of the Zakaat amount.  Since in using Zakaat money for burial purposes, this ownership is not transferred, this cannot be done so.  As given in Fatawa A'alamgiri, Vol. Pg No. 170.  Thus, instead of using Zakaat amount for this, you may collect money which is not Zakaat.