Muslims are like a single body
Today Muslims are facing oppression in various parts of the world. Infants and young and old people are being attacked alike. Women are being wronged. Even hospitals and their patients are not spared. Many Muslims are being martyred because of these inhuman atrocities. Apparently, their life is ending, but these oppressed Muslims are gaining eternal bliss. The bounties of paradise are for them, lush fields and flowing streams are their lot and trees laden with fruit.
The greatest bounty is the vision of Almighty Allah. This is that bounty that which the dwellers of paradise will enter paradise, Allah Most High will ask them what else they need. They will answer that they have been given every bounty. On repeated asking, they will say: O Allah! Send us back into the world again and again. We will fight against Your enemies, sacrifice our lives for You and will attain the privilege of Your vision. Almighty Allah will say: It is not possible to go back into the world, however you will keep getting the bounty of My vision.
Those people who are instigating terrorism and barbarism and are shedding others’ blood, let them take heed. They should look to the outcome of the previous nations. The nations of A’ad and Thamud were more powerful than them. They were much taller and much stronger than them. But their physiques and their strength could not protect them from the punishment of Allah Most High. They were destroyed because of their oppression.
History has recorded not only their majesty, but also their destruction. Looking at these past examples, those nations who are engaged in inflicting inhuman atrocities should desist. The wrath of Allah is not at all far and His punishment will be terrible.
All creation is the family of Allah and all humans are equal by virtue of being human. No matter whether Muslims live in the east or the west, the relation of brotherhood between them is the most superior and strongest of all other relations. Almighty Allah says:
Surah Hujuraat-10
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) gave the message of unity and harmony to the Ummah and taught them that they are brothers. A people who were riven apart with disunity due to mutual enmity and ignorance, were gathered under one standard by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). The nation which would snatch away others’ rights in the name of caste, complexion and nationality, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) gave them such a message of love and brotherhood that stone-hearted folk became soft-hearted and sworn enemies became brothers to each other.
As long as a drop of water is single, its strength and status is pitifully obvious. A gust of wind can blow it away and a ray of the sun can evaporate it. However, when that same drop joins the ocean, its strength cannot be estimated. The same drop is then considered to be the part of the mighty ocean.
It is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: You will see that the believers are like one single body in their love, mercy and affection for each other. When one part or organ is in pain, then the whole body joins in with sleeplessness and fever. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 6011)
All the parts of the body are not the same. Each part of the body has its own majesty and unique power. Each part has its own specialty. The brain is like the king and the heart is like the powerhouse. However, even when the little toe is hurt, the pain does affect the mind as well. The brain does not protest that as the king it should not be disturbed neither does the heart say that it supplies blood to the whole body and should be left alone.
In the same way, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has declared Muslims to be a single body. He has given the message that regardless of what we are, a king or a subject, the ruler or the ruled, prince or a pauper, strong or weak, we all should sympathize with each other. We should feel the pain of others and should help each other in difficulties. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: A Muslim is like a built structure for each other, one part gives strength to the other.
Muslims should strengthen their relationship with the Holy Quran and the One to whom the Holy Quran was revealed.