Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Mufti Maulana Syed Zia Uddin Naqshbandi Quadri

Shaik-ul-Fiqh - Jamia Nizamia

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center


Hadhrat Imam Zain Ul Aabideen (May Allah be well pleased with him)

 Hadhrat Imam Zain Ul A’abideen (May Allah be well pleased with him) is the son of Hadhrat Imam Hussain (May Allah be well pleased with him) and he is counted among the great Successors.  He is the Imam of the 7 jurisprudents of Madina.  Among the 12 Imams of the Prophet’s Family, he is the 4th Imam.  His Kuniyah is “Abu Muhammad.”  His name is ‘Ali and his honorific is Zain Ul A’abideen.




Hadhrat Imam Zain Ul A’abideen (May Allah be well pleased with him) was born in Madina in 33 Hijri and as per one Tradition in 36 Hijri and as per yet another Tradition 38 Hijri.


He passed away at the age of 61, 62 and some have said at the age of 56 and 58 as well.


At the time of the martyrdom of Hadhrat Imam Hussain (May Allah be well pleased with him), he was aged 18 and as per another narration 16.


Why he is called as Zain Ul A’abideen


It is given in “Shawahed” that one night Hadhrat Imam Zain Ul A’abideen (May Allah be well pleased with him) was busy performing Tahajjud that Satan came in the form of a snake to try to stop him from Salaat and at last bit his foot.  Hadhrat Imam Zain Ul A’abideen (May Allah be well pleased with him) paid no attention to it and continues his Salaat.  At that time someone was seen saying:  You are Zain Ul A’abideen (meaning the beauty of the worshippers)


From that time, he was addressed with this title.


His piety


Whenever Imam Zain Ul A’abideen (May Allah be well pleased with him) would perform Wudhu, his blessed face would pale visibly.  When his family asked, what happens to him at the time of Wudhu, he said:  Do you know before whom I am going to stand?


When walking, his hands wouldn’t swing beyond his thighs.  He wouldn’t move them at all.


His manners and etiquette


When he would come to know that someone is speaking ill of him, he would go to that person and talk to him very gently.  He would say:


O so and so!  If whatever you have said about me is true then may Allah forgive me and if it is wrong, then may Allah forgive you.  Assalaaamalaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu!


A person disrespected him.  He deliberately ignored it.  He insisted:  I am talking to you.  The Imam said:  So I will ignore it and exercise patience.


Once, he came out of the mosque, someone disrespected him.  His servants and slaves rushed at him, but Imam Zain Ul A’abideen (May Allah be well pleased with him) stopped them and said to that person:  Of our state much is hidden from you.  Do you have any need that we may fulfill?


That person felt ashamed.  Imam Zain Ul A’abideen (May Allah be well pleased with him) gave him his woolen cloak and gave him more than 1000 Dirhams.  That person said:  I testify that you are from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)


His demise


The author of Miraatul Asraar says that Imam Zain Ul A’abideen (May Allah be well pleased with him) passed away on 18th Muharram 75 Hijri.  His blessed grave is in Jannatul Baqee’ beside the grave of Imam Hasan (May Allah be well pleased with him).