There are 2 Fardh in ‘Umrah:
1. Wearing the Ihram with the intention of ‘Umrah and reciting the Talbiya (Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik….).
2. The Tawaf of Ka’aba.
There are 2 Wajib in Umrah:
1. Performing the Sae’e between Safa and Marwa.
2. To get Halaq (shaving) or Qasr (haircut) done.
Those who live inside the boundaries of the Haram are called “Harmi”
The Meeqat (boundaries from where you cannot proceed without Ihram) are for Haj outside the Haram itself and for ‘Umrah, Hill, i.e. the area outside the boundaries of Haram like Masjid ‘Aisha (May Allah be well pleased with her) or Ja’araniya (name of place), etc.
The area outside the boundaries of the Haram till the Meeqat is called Hill. Those who live in this area are called Hilli for e.g. the residents of Jeddah, etc. If these people come to Makkah with the intention of ‘Umrah or Haj, they should bind their Ihram right from their houses.
Those people who live outside the Meeqat and come for Haj/’Umrah are called “Aafaaqi.” The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Himself fixed the Meeqat for those who come from the corners of the world to perform Haj/’Umrah. There is a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari:
Translation of Hadith: It is narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (May Allah be well pleased with them), he said that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) fixed the Meeqat for the residents of Madinah at “Dhul Hulaifah”, for those who come from Syria at “Jahfa” and for those who come from Najd at “Qarn Ul Manazil” and for those who come from Yemen at “Yalamlam.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No: 1526)
There is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim:
Translation of Hadith: The Meeqat for those from Iraq is Dhat ‘Arq. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 2867)