Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Mufti Maulana Syed Zia Uddin Naqshbandi Quadri

Shaik-ul-Fiqh - Jamia Nizamia

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

The Final Word about Wasila, Visiting graves and Fatiha

Mufti Hafidh Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Qadri,
Professor, Islamic Law, Jamia Nizamia.
Fatiha – Making sense of the conundrum

The Surah of the Holy Quran, which are recited in Fatiha, the above given Hadith instruct us to recite the same Surah every morning and evening.  Also there is a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari, Jame' Tirmidhi, Sunan Abu Dawood, Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal, Sahih Ibn Hibban, Shu'abul Iman Lil Baihaqui, Kanz Ul Ummal, etc.:


Translation of Hadith:  It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Aisha Siddiqua (May Allah Ta'ala be well pleased with her) that whenever the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would retire to the bed, He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would bring His palms together, recite Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq, Surah Naas, blow upon His hands and then He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would rub His hands on His blessed body as much as possible.  He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would start from His blessed head and face and would rub the front of His blessed body completely.  He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would do this thrice.


This Hadith is present in the following books:


Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 5017,


Jame' Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 3730,


Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith No. 5058,


Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal, Hadith No. 25595,


Shu'abul Iman Lil Baihaqui, Hadith No. 2570,


Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith No. 5544


Kanz Ul Ummal, Hadith No. 41998


Allah Ta'ala has ordered the believers to send Durud on the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).  It is given in the Holy Quran:


Surely Allah and (all) His angels invoke blessings and greetings on the Holy Prophet [blessings and peace be upon him]. O Believers! You (also) send blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation of peace abundantly (and fervently).  Surah Ahzaab (33:56)


The Hadith give glad tidings to those who present Salaam to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:


Translation of Hadith: Jibraeel (May peace be upon him) met me and said:  I give you glad tidings that Allah Ta'ala says:  Whoever presents Salaam to you, I will send Salaam on that person and whoever sends Durud on you, I will send down mercy on him.


Mustadrak 'Alas Sahihain, Hadith No. 770,

Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal, Hadith No. 1574,

Ash Shifa Bi Ta’areefi Huquqil Mustafa, Vol. 2, Pg. No. 75.


It is given in Mustadrak 'Alas Sahihain: