If the couple cannot conceive and on the advice of a Muslim doctor, they decide to go for IVF, then they should assure themselves that the doctors and everybody else who are involved in this procedure discharge their duties in the most honest manner. The wife’s ovum should be fertilized only with the sperm of her husband and not by any stranger’s sperm and similarly the sperm of the husband must not be used to fertilize the ovum of any other lady other than the wife.
There are dangers of parentage and ancestry being muddled because of IVF. Thus, if IVF is to be used, there should be a complete system to ensure that this does not happen. The conditional permissibility should be exercised within the limits of those conditions. Complete honesty and integrity should be exercised.
If masturbation or nudity is resorted to unnecessarily or if there is mixing up of sperm and ovum, it will shred the fabric of modesty and destroys the system of parentage and ancestry.