One day, a person came to Hadhrat Junaid Baghdadi (May Allah shower His mercy on him ).
Hadhrat asked him: Where are you coming from ?
The person said: From Hadhrat said: When you started for Hajj and reached Ka'aba crossing all the milestones, did you traverse the stations of Tariqah also ?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: You didn’t even traverse the path !
Hadhrat asked: When you wore the Ihraam, did you leave the human attributes and blameworthy attributes also ?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: Then you didn’t even tie the Ihraam !
Hadhrat asked: When you stayed in Arafaat, did you have any Kashf (revelation )?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: Then you didn’t even stand in Arafaat !
Hadhrat said: When you reached Muzdalifa, did you get you wish, i.e. did you abandon all your wishes ?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: Then you didn’t even go to Muzdaliafa !
Hadhrat asked: When you performed the Tawaf, did you see the beauty of Allah Ta'ala ?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: You didn’t perform Tawaf then .
Hadhrat said: When you performed the Sa'ee between Safa and Marwah, did you realize the status of Safa and Marwah ?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: You didn’t perform Sa'ee between Safa and Marwah !
Hadhrat asked: When you came to Mina, did your desires fall off from you ?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: Then you didn’t go to Mina either .
Hadhrat asked: When you performed Qurbani, did you slaughter your base desires also ?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: Then didn’t perform Qurbani !
Hadhrat asked: When you threw stones at Jamraat, did you throw away your desires also ?
He said: No .
Hadhrat said: You have not thrown stones yet and neither did you perform Hajj. Go back and perform Hajj the way I have told you to .
There are 2 Maqam-e-Ibrahim, one in Makkah and one in the heart, one physical and the other spiritual. If someone desires to reach both the Maqam-e-Ibrahim, then they should act as Hadhrat Junaid Baghdadi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) has said .
A young man missed Hajj. Before Hadhrat Sufyan Thauri (May Allah shower His mercy on him), that young man sighed. Hadhrat Sufyan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) said: I have done 4 Hajj, I will gift you the reward of all of them if you agree to gift the reward of sigh to me. The youth agreed. Hadhrat Sufyan (May Allah shower His mercy on him) wholeheartedly gifted the reward of 4 Hajj to that youth. That night, he saw a dream that you have drawn such benefit from the sight of that youth that if it is distributed among all the people of Arafaat, all of them would become wealthy .
Translation of Hadith: The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: The person doing Jihaad and performing Hajj is a guest of Almighty Allah. If they pray, their prayer will be accepted and if they ask for forgiveness (Maghfirah) from Almighty Allah, they will be forgiven .
Translation of Hadith: The person who performs Hajj will perform intercession (shafa'at) of 400 of his relatives. After performing the Hajj he will become so pure from his sins as if he is just born of his mother .
Translation of Hadith: Angels shake hands with those Hajjis who go to Hajj using some means of conveyance and embrace those Hajjis who journey by foot
Translation of Hadith: For the Hajj who is riding a camel (i.e. some means of conveyance), for every step, there are 70 virtues and for the Hajji who is on foot, for every step, there are 700 virtues .
Translation of Hadith: When you meet a Hajji who has returned from Hajj, you first greet him with Salaam and shake hands and before that Hajji goes into his (or her) own house, request him (or her) to enter your house first, as the sins of that person have been forgiven .
Hadhrat Fudhail bin Ayaaz (May Allah shower His mercy on him) said: you should not go to the divine Mecca with Haraam and/or doubtful money. With Allah Ta'ala, returning even a single dime of Haraam money, which one has gotten is better than five Hajj which you have performed from Haraam and/or doubtful money .