Hadhrat Yahya bin Ma’az (May Allah Ta’ala shower His Mercy on him) said: I am surprised at those people who deem “Mubah” deeds (i.e. Those deeds which are allowed.  There is neither reward nor punishment on those deeds) to be wrong for the virtuous (Saliheen) and do not consider their huge sins as wrong!  They themselves are busy in backbiting, jealousy, showing off (riyakari), breaking promises etc. and do not repent; and they object on virtuous people wearing permissible (jayiz) clothes and eating Halal food.

Hadhrat Syed Abdullah (May Allah Ta’ala shower His Mercy on him) says that I entreated and asked my Forefather (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam): O my father! Who among your relations is the closest to you?  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Those who have thrown this world (dunya) behind their backs and keep the next world (aakhirah) before their eyes and meet Me in


such a state that their record of deeds (name A’amaal) is clear of all sins. Hadhrat Imam Ghazali (May Allah Ta’ala shower His Mercy on him) says: Do not be happy on your praise, consider it to be bad in your heart and be mindful of your deeds and the thoughts crossing your mind and keep thinking that only Allah Ta’ala knows how I am going to die (i.e. whether I will die a Muslim or not.

Hadhrat Saeed (May Allah Ta’ala shower His Mercy on him) says: There is no virtuous, cultured, scholar who is free of all defects, but there are people whose defects should not be talked about.  Because the person in whom there is more good than bad, the bad in that person is forgiven because of the good.

The person who believes in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) and accepts the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and did not stop there but did good deeds also, engaged in this Dunya also but were careful about the Aakhirah also.  Did everything in this world but