Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center


Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

فتاویٰ > Worship > Chapter of Salaat > Recitation of Holy Quran

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f:179 -    Listening  the Holy Quran in Shabeena
Country : HYD INDIA,
Name : submittername

    During Ramazan ul Mubarak, we get the opportunity of listening the Holy Quran by various Huffaz e Kiraam (who have memorized the whole Quran) in One night (Shabeena), Ten nights (Daha), Tahajjud. But on some places, they recite so fast that they do not pronounce the words clearly and sometimes the letters are uttered in such a way that one cannot differentiate between the two muddled letters. How the holy Quran should be recited and how fast can one recite. Also please reply which type of recitation may cause deterioration to the prayer (Namaz). Kindly furnish with reply ?

Mohd Akhlaaq Hussain , HYD

    The Holy Quran must be recited with all its rights and restrictions. While reciting one must be careful in expressing each letter with precision. The recitation should not be so fast that the letters are not pronounced well. Concerning the recitation of  the Holy Quran, it is mentioned in a hadith  of Imam al-Bukhari (Vol 1, P 107) :
Abu Wael narrates, a person came to Abdullah Bin Masood (May Allah be pleased with him) and said: I recited tonight all suras (chapters) of Mufassil in one raka’at. Upon hearing this Abdullah Bin Masood (May Allah be pleased with him) snubbed and said, the way you recited rapidly is like reading the poetry verse. It was the habit of Arabs that they used to read the verses of poetries in speed. This shows that the recitation should not be so fast that the letters are mixed up and failed to differentiate.
The recitation should be with consideration to each and every letter. If someone recites the Quran in such a way that some letters are not pronounced accurately, due to which the meanings of the words are changed, this will invalidate the prayer (Namaz).  However, if no change occurs in the meaning it does not invalidate but it is disliked (makrooh). One should avoid fast recitation. Recitation should be in such a way that each and every letter is pronounced clearly. However, if the pronunciation of resembling letters like Zoy and Zad, Seen and Saad is not intact, the prayer will not be invalid as mentioned in Dur-e-Mukhtar Vol. 1, P 531 and in Fatawa Aalamgiri Vol. 1 P 79. While reciting the Quran in a congregational prayer, Huffaz e Kiram should bear in mind its rights and requirements because the one who is leading the prayer (Imam) would be held responsible for the prayers of his followers who are praying behind him (Musalli). It is narrated in a Hadith Mubarak of Sunan Abu Dawood Shareef No. 2071. Related by Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said : The person leading the prayer (Imam) is responsible and the caller for prayer (Muazzin) is trustworthy
And Allah (Subhanahu Wa T’ala) knows best.