Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center


Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center


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f:12 -    Reciting Kalima and having food when unclean
Country : Mahboob Nagar, India,
Name : Aisha Jabeen

    Can women recite Kalima Tayyaba in a state of ritual impurity (janabah)? In the same way what is the rule of the Shariah about other aurad, Wazaaif (recitations)?

Also, what is the ruling for eating and drinking when one is unclean?

    In the light of the Shariah, women cannot recite the Holy Quran in a state of ritual impurity. It is given in a Hadith:

It is given in Sharh Waqaya, Vol. 1 Pg no. 116:

Translation:  There is no problem in reciting all kinds of supplications and recitations.  However, they should make a point to make Wuzu while making those supplications, etc. as it is Mustahab (commendable) for them to do so.

It is given in Fatawa A’alamgiri, Vol. 1, Pg. No. 38:

Translation: For the woman who is in a state of ritual impurity or who is menstruating, making supplications, answering to the Adhaan and other such things are permissible.

It is given in Durre Mukhtaar Radd Ul Muhtaar, Vol. 1 Pg no. 122:

Translation:  For a woman who is in a state of ritual impurity or who is menstruating or who is in a state of postpartum bleeding (Nifaas), there is no undesirability in seeing the Holy Quran because the ritual impurity does not affect the eye.

Also, making supplications is not Abhorrent (Makruh Tahrimi).  However, while performing Dhikr of Allah, it is desirable to perform Wudhu and not performing is against the practices of the Predecessors (Khilaaf e Aula) and is Undesirable (Makruh Tanzeehi).

In a state of ritual impurity, there in no problem in washing one’s face, hands, etc and having food or drink.  It is given in Durre Mukhtaar:

Translation: It is not undesirable to have food, drink after washing one’s face, hands etc.

There is a Hadith in Sharh Ma’ani Ul Aathaar:

Translation:  It has been narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Malik bin ‘Ubada Ghafqi (May Allah be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) had food in a state of ritual impurity.  I mentioned this to Hadhrat Umar (May Allah be well pleased with him).  He took me to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and said:  O Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)!  He tells me that you took food in a state of ritual impurity.  Then the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, Yes!  When I perform Wudhu, I have food and drink, but don’t offer Salaat nor recite the Holy Quran till I bathe.

This Hadith shows that if one wants to eat in a state of ritual impurity, one should perform Wudhu or at least wash the hands and the face.

And Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) knows best.

Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Qadri

[Professor, Islamic Law, Jamia Nizamia,
Founder-Director, Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center]